Single Institution App

Bring your audience development & engagement to the next - digital - level with a customized mobile app, branded with your logo and corporate design

Benefits of a dedicated app for your organization

Increase brand awareness, customer loyalty and patron engagement

Appealing to specific target segments in ways they will respond to in order to build stronger engagement, loyalty and revenue. Communicate with your patrons directly and more personalized based on their interests and usage behavior

Lower barriers for entry by boosting convenience

Interact with your customers where they spend most of their time: on their smartphones and offer a ‘must have’ mobile ticket buying experience that seamlessly integrates with your ticketingsystem to simplify the ticket purchasing process

Increase ticket sales & revenue

API-based integrated ticket purchase without re-direction simplifies processes for ticket sales, membership programs, discounted tickets & donations and boost revenue generation

Acquire new & NextGen audiences & build an arts & culture community

Use additional channels to reach out to specific audiences and channel digital Word-of-Mouth Strategies to grow your community

A dedicated App for your organization

Increase brand awareness, customer loyalty and patron engagement and engage with new & NextGen audiences

Your customer, your data

We integrate in real-time with your ticketing- & CRM systems.
All customer and transaction data details are stored directly within your existing systems. Analyze and monitor user bahaviour data, including activity, click behavior, detailed interests, purchases, revenue and more. Use customer segmentation to target campaigns to specific needs & behaviours, ensuring your marketing efforts are precise and effective. Communicate personalized & directly via push-notifications, in-app messages and alerts and leverage data-driven recommendations to provide personalized, interest-based content for each user.

Next-level digital audience engagement

Connect with your audience - all in one app: Enjoy extra fast ticket purchase – convenient, simple, and safe. Benefit from engaging content presentation pulled automatically from your CMS or website. Digitize existing discount, rush and young audience programs without additional work for the box office team thanks to integrated ID verification, digital pre-sales option and flexible rule-based logic. Add social & community features to build your arts & culture community and increase sales significantly.

Enhanced patron service

Log-In with website credentials, store payment details and benefit from in-app ticket wallet including tickets that have been purchased outside the app.

Explore our references of Single Institution Apps

Want to learn more about our App-Framework & the features that make it possible?

Let’s get started

See what easy-connect can do for your venue to grow your reach & boost your revenue