Data analysis & direct and segmented communication

Analyze your customer data & reach your audience through personalized communication

Analyze customer and behavior data, allowing for targeted and personalized communication. By segmenting audiences based on specific criteria, this feature helps tailor messages and offers to different groups, enhancing engagement and ensuring personalized & streamlined.

Data Analysis

Our data analysis capabilities encompass a wide range of insights, including customer and transaction data, app usage behavior data, and deeplinking and attribution data. These metrics provide a comprehensive view of user interactions and engagement. Additionally, basic PDF reporting is available to help you easily visualize and share key analytics, supporting informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Push Notifications

Push Notifications enable instant communication with your users, delivering real-time updates, alerts, and personalized messages directly to their devices. This feature ensures users stay engaged and informed without needing to open the app, enhancing user retention and interaction. With advanced targeting and customization options, push notifications help you reach the right audience at the right time, making your communication strategy more effective and impactful

In App Messaging

In-App Messaging is a key feature that facilitates seamless communication within your application, delivering targeted messages and updates directly to users while they are actively engaged. This feature enhances user experience by providing real-time information, personalized offers, and interactive content without interrupting their workflow. In-app messaging helps boost user retention and satisfaction, ensuring your users stay informed and connected within the app environment.

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Digitization of young audience programs and integration of membership programs